Welcome to fasHEN!

fasHEN is a clothing line for birds of all shapes sizes and colors. Meet our models and browse out catelog for more information!

Our Catalog


An Americauna chicken, Betsy takes pride in her unique feather pattern and blue eggs. Though skittish, her modeling is pristine and classically beautiful.


This Golden Comet is a sheek feathered gal. The constant chatterbox, she is friends with everyrone inside and outside the coop.

Shake 'N' Bake

Confident and loud, this New Hampshire Red always speaks her mind. She never takes no for an answer and is a sucker for meal worms.


The black and white feathers of this Plymouth Rock make for a timeless beauty. When she's not running away from her humans, she's probably squeaking.


Making the same unammused noise everytime shes picked up, this Buff Orpinton is the friendliest breed of chicken.