Misha's Blog

Feminist Data Visualization at LACMA

Posted in Research by Misha on April 13, 2015

I participated in the Feminist Data Collectathon workshop at the Art Plus Technology (#ArtPlusTech) lab at LACMA yesterday. The project was part of Annina Rüst’s residency at the lab and it was also co-lead by Micol Hebron (the head of the Gallery Tally project).

Annina got her hands on some juicy LACMA data, and we played around with different visualization ideas. One idea was to take a look at what the most exhibited artists at LACMA are, and how many of them are female. Please mouse over the bars to get the names of the artists.

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2 Responses

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  1. Rachel said, on April 15, 2015 at 9:20 pm

    Nice! I really wanted to go to this (I’m a LACMA member, and a consultant in data and analytics, so yeah, right up my alley) but I was under the weather. I was looking for retrospectives on the event but haven’t found any write ups besides this. I guess it didn’t get much post press. What did you think of the event? And did the artists say anything about follow up?

  2. Misha said, on August 19, 2015 at 5:38 pm

    Hi Rachel,

    Sorry to hear you were under the weather. I enjoyed the event because of the great audience participation and hackathon with Annina Rüst. Ann Isolde was in the audience and also present at previous historical events in the museum’s history so she really schooled us nicely. Annina is an awesome hacker.

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